As Western sanctions continue to impact Russia’s aviation sector, the country is making significant strides in advancing its domestic aerospace capabilities. Despite the ongoing challenges, Russia...
Unlock the secrets of the Ilyushin Il-96-400, a testament to Russia's prowess in crafting extraordinary long-range, wide-body passenger aircraft.
The Dubai Airshow 2023 took off yesterday, drawing the attention of numerous airlines seeking new aircraft and an upswing in demand for defense products. Over 200...
27 January 2023, Moscow. — From 15 February, Aeroflot will begin operating flights to new Beijing Daxing International Airport. The frequency of regular services to China’s capital will...
U.S. Commerce Department announced on Monday that it had issued an order revoking #UralAirlines of #Russia export privileges.
Several U.S. airport websites were temporarily taken down on Monday, according to a pro-Russian hacker organization
On Monday, the Russian airline Aeroflot began flights to Sri Lanka
Russia's transport ministry advised that a pilot should be knowledgeable about and capable of repairing their aircraft.
Russia facing shortage of parts without the necessary technical assistance, Airbus and Boeing aircraft may not be usable and will remain on the ground. Russia will...
An Ilyushin Il-76 military cargo plane crashed and caught fire while landing near Russia’s western city of Ryazan on Friday, killing four of the nine people...