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Aircraft comparison

Comparison between the KF-21 Boramae and TFX Kaan

Comparison between the KF-21 Boramae and TFX Kaan

The KF-21 Boramae and the TFX Kaan represent two prominent contenders in the realm of advanced fighter aircraft development. Both aircraft are envisioned to play significant roles in their respective nation’s air forces, offering cutting-edge capabilities and technologies tailored to modern combat environments.

In this article, we’ll delve into a detailed comparison between two cutting-edge fighter aircraft. Showcasing a formidable presence in the skies and a key player in the evolving landscape of global military aviation.

The KF-21 Boramae, is a fifth-generation multi-role fighter aircraft. Developed by the Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI). In April 2021, the inaugural prototype of the KF-21 Boramae was successfully finalized and revealed to the public. Subsequently, on the 19th of July 2022, the aircraft underwent its maiden test flight, marking a crucial milestone in its development. The commencement of manufacturing is slated for the year 2026.

The TAI Kaan, also referred to as TF-X, represents a stealthy, twin-engine, all-weather air superiority fighter under development by Turkish Aerospace Industries. Following successful taxi and ground tests conducted on March 16, 2023, the prototype was ceremoniously unveiled just two days later. On February 21, 2024, the inaugural flight of Kaan took place. TAI released a video showcasing a KAAN fighter jet ascending into the sky and subsequently landing back at the Mürted Airfield Command located in northern Ankara.


The KF-21 Boramae and the TAI TF-X, both being fifth-generation multi-role fighter aircraft, showcase remarkable advancements in aerospace technology. Let’s compare these two formidable fighters.

Beginning with their dimensions, the KF-21 boasts a length of 16.9 meters. whereas the TF-X is slightly larger, with a length of 21 meters.

The KF-21 has a wingspan of 11.2 meters, and a height of 4.7 meters. On the other hand, the TF-X measures slightly larger wingspan of 14 meters, and a height of 6 meters.

In terms of payload and operational flexibility, the KF-21 offers a maximum takeoff weight of 25,600 kg (56,400 lb).Conversely, the TF-X boasts a slightly higher maximum takeoff weight of 27,215 kg (60,000 lb), potentially allowing for increased armament and fuel carriage. This could translate to extended mission durations or enhanced combat capabilities, depending on operational requirements.


The KF-21 is equipped with two General Electric F414-GE-400K turbofans, capable of generating 57.8 kN of thrust. In comparison, the TF-X utilizes two General Electric F110-GE-129 Turbofans, producing 76.31 kN of thrust, potentially providing slightly higher performance capabilities.

Regarding performance, both aircraft demonstrate impressive capabilities. The KF-21 achieves a maximum speed of Mach 1.81, while the TF-X closely matches this with a maximum speed of Mach 1.8.

“The KF-21 boasts an impressive service ceiling of 64,961 feet (19,800 meters), surpassing the TF-X’s service ceiling of 55,000 feet (17,000 meters). This makes the KF-21 capable of operating at higher altitudes, potentially offering advantages in various mission scenarios.

KF-21 is equipped with state-of-the-art features such as an AESA radar, advanced avionics, and precision weaponry. Boasting 10 hardpoints for weapons deployment, high maneuverability, enhanced survivability, and a configuration with single tandem aircraft seats, the KF-21 ensures high operational efficiency in diverse mission scenarios.


Anticipated to integrate cutting-edge technologies, including a next-generation active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar system, sophisticated communications systems, and superior electronic warfare capabilities, the KAAN heralds a new era in Turkish military aviation. Advanced stealth features such as radar-absorbing materials and state-of-the-art coatings contribute to its reduced radar cross-section, enhancing its survivability in contested environments.

According to the report, UAE’s Economic Council had sent a letter to South Korea’s Office of National Security explaining Abu Dhabi’s desire for direct cooperation on the development of the KF-21. Surprisingly, the letter allegedly requested that Abu Dhabi replace Indonesia’s investment in the program.

TAI, the lead contractor for the KAAN fifth-generation fighter jet development programme, plans to supply 20 KAAN Block 10 fighter jets to the Turkish Air Force by 2028 after taxi trials conclude in March. With an eye towards the future, the second prototype (P1), which will cover the full flight envelope and serve as a closer approximation to the intended production aircraft, is slated for takeoff in 2025. The anticipated third aircraft flight in 2026 and the delivery of follow-on blocks by 2034 are among the upcoming benchmarks.


Aircraft comparison

Comparison between Comac C919 and A320 aircraft

Comparison between Comac C919 and A320 aircraft

The COMAC C919 and the Airbus A320 represent two significant players in the narrow-body commercial aircraft market, each reflecting its manufacturer’s vision for the future of aviation.

The C919, developed by the Chinese aerospace manufacturer COMAC, aims to challenge established Western dominance with its advanced technology and cost-effective design. In contrast, the Airbus A320, a stalwart of global aviation for decades, continues to set benchmarks for efficiency, safety, and passenger comfort.

This comparison explores the key differences and similarities between these two aircraft, highlighting their design philosophies, performance metrics, and market implications.

How the Comac C919 similar from the A320 and B737 Max:Click here

The COMAC C919, predominantly built using aluminum alloys, is equipped with CFM International LEAP turbofan engines. It has the capacity to accommodate between 156 and 168 passengers in its standard configuration.


This twin-engine jet features a six-abreast economy cabin layout. Initially, it offered options for either CFM56 or IAE V2500 turbofan engines, though the CFM56/PW6000 combination was exclusively used for the A318 model. It can accommodate 195 passengers.

COMAC C919 vs. Airbus A320: A Comparative Overview

Length: The C919 measures 38.9 meters (127.6 feet) in length, slightly longer than the A320, which is 37.57 meters (123 feet 3 inches) long. This extra length provides a marginally larger cabin for the C919.

Wingspan: Both aircraft share the same wingspan of 35.8 meters (117.5 feet), indicating similar aerodynamic properties and potential for comparable fuel efficiency and performance.

Height: The C919 stands at 11.95 meters (39.2 feet) in height, surpassing the A320’s height of 11.76 meters (38 feet 7 inches). This difference is relatively minor but may impact cabin space and cargo hold configuration.


Aircraft comparisons between the comac C919 and B737 max 8:Click here

Weight: The COMAC C919 has a maximum takeoff weight of 42,100 kilograms (92,815 pounds), slightly less than the A320’s 42.6 tonnes (93,900 pounds). The A320’s marginally higher weight suggests it may be able to handle slightly more payload or fuel.

Range: The C919 offers a range of 4,630 kilometers (2,500 nautical miles), which is shorter compared to the A320’s range of 6,112 kilometers (3,300 nautical miles). This extended range of the A320 makes it better suited for longer routes and provides airlines with more operational flexibility.
Nearly twice as much as the $50 million that analysts predicted, comac c919 price is roughly $91 million. That is comparable to the cost of the Boeing 737-800 and the Airbus A320neo, which, as of 2021, are estimated to be $106 million and $111 million, respectively.

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