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How many US aircraft are still operating in Afghanistan? what the Taliban is now doing with them.

As the Taliban celebrates one year of independence from the United States in Afghanistan, they put on a large parade and displayed an army unit as well as artillery, weaponry, and a helicopter.

How many US aircraft are still operating in Afghanistan? what the Taliban is now doing with them.

America invested a significant amount of resources and military personnel in the war against the Taliban and the establishment of a stable government, but those efforts were unsuccessful, and after Biden was elected president, the decision was made to withdraw American soldiers from Afghanistan.

The 30th of August 2021 will be remembered around the world as the day the United States officially concluded its longest war 20 years in Afghanistan.

According to a report from Washington, DC, the United States has spent close to $2 trillion, or $300 million per day for 20 years.

How much the United States has spent in Afghanistan over the last 20 years?

Around 800,000 Americans served in Afghanistan; 2,461 of them lost their lives there, and 13 died during evacuations. However, the analysis shows that many have experienced issues. In regard to Afghanistan, the United States did the best it could have done.


Between August 2005 and August 2021, the US provided the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces with equipment for a total of $18.6 billion. After the US pullout was finished on August 30, 2021, $7.12 billion in equipment remained in Afghanistan. It comprised military vehicles, weaponry, air-to-ground bombs, aircraft, communications technology, and other supplies.

3 Taliban tried to fly an American helicopter but were killed in the accident.(Opens in a new browser tab)


Since the majority of the defense products produced by the United States are extremely nimble and deadly to adversaries, nobody likes to mess with them. However, the United States took a long time to produce such weapons. and that is all that is now left

How many US weapons and aircraft are still in Afghanistan?

A total of 73 aircraft, nearly 100 vehicles, and other equipment were abandoned by US troops as they pulled out ahead of the 31 August deadline. There are 43 MD 530 helicopters and 33 Ac208 planes and 33 UH 60 Black Hawk helicopters and 23 A29 light attack aircraft. and 32 MI 17 Helicopters and 3 C130 cargo aircraft left Abdon in Afghanistan.

US approves sale of an F16 fighter jet to Pakistan(Opens in a new browser tab)

These airplanes are now being abandoned due to improper maintenance and unflyable components. The majority of the avionics components were removed and the vital ones were destroyed by the US army during the evacuation of the US troops. A few more aircraft have suffered damage to their tires and cockpit equipment, rendering them useless to Taliban or Afghan forces.

The majority of the Afghan pilots who were abducted by the Taliban and forced to operate aircraft following the US withdrawal were experts in the Mi 17 helicopter. Taliban depicted the independence day parade on September 30, 2021, during which US military vehicles traveled in convoy on the route and an MI-17 chopper flew over them.

There is no doubt that the ground vehicle is being utilized and repaired, but the airplane would present difficulties. They attempted to pilot a Black Hawk aircraft last month and crashed into a surrounding air force base. It demonstrates that they were making every effort to fly them.


Who’s going to fix these planes?

China, a highly industrialized country, and Pakistan, which are neighbors of Afghanistan, work to promote the country’s economic development. There is also talk of constructing rail and road connectivity to allow access to the middle east via Afghanistan.


Only MI-17 airplanes are flown by the Taliban; the majority of aircraft are grounded since they can’t be repaired. There is a very good likelihood that China will gain access to these devices. And the Chinese version of them will undoubtedly be flown once more. the most crucial technology has really been mismanaged by the United States. Even they built the Taliban a small air force.

Only a small number of aircraft can be fixed, while others need intricately constructed instruments and control panels. The UH Black Hawk is the most important helicopter that is used by the Navy and Airforce in the United States and has crucial designs that probably can be fixed by the Chinese. Pakistan uses the MI17 helicopter there so that they may get assistance to operate it back and further that parts would be accessible.

If the US does not take back this helicopter, then these will be built using reverse engineering and rebuilt in a newer version from Chinese manufacturers. This aircraft engine can be repaired with an alternative one and the instrument panels that are needed for the aircraft’s control can also be arranged.

According to the most recent report, the Taliban-led government in Afghanistan is reforming. They may return with new armed forces and be able to guide the country toward US-supported military equipment in the area.


The aircraft’s condition right now

As the Taliban celebrates one year of independence from the United States in Afghanistan, they put on a large parade and displayed an army unit as well as artillery, weaponry, and a helicopter.

According to the video, the Taliban currently have six flight-ready aircraft and 21 operating helicopters. The Mi17 helicopter, which took part in the parade at the Bagram Airbase, was one of them.

Prior to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the United States dispatched this helicopter to the country in January for repair. Taliban currently operates 27 MI helicopters, only a few of which are ready for flight and were on show at the parade.

The Afghan air force engineering team has fixed these helicopters, according to a Taliban official, and they are now operational.


The footage shows numerous Mi 17 and MI 24 helicopters flying, as well as the surprisingly rare MD 530 helicopter, which was also on flying display.

The UK will donate £2.5 million to help save lives, and even China and India are on the verge of doing the same for Afghanistan. According to the most recent information, Afghanistan is progressively assuming leadership and stabilizing the nation.


As the Taliban completes its 1 year of freedom of Afghanistan from the United states they show a heavy parade and demonstrated the armed force battalion and as well the artillery, weapons, and as well as helicopter.

As per the footage now Taliban have 21 operational helicopters and six airworthy aircraft. some of them included the Mi17 helicopter which participated in the parade at the Bagram Airbase.

last January United states sent this helicopter to Ukraine for maintenance before the Russian invasion of Ukraine. as of now Taliban using 27 MI helicopters out of that few are ready for flying which the displayed in the parade.


According to the Taliban official, the Afghan airforce engineering team has fixed these helicopters and is operational now. as per the footage, we can see several Mi 17 and MI24 helicopters flying and as well MD 530 helicopter flying which is really surprising.

Further, China is also approaching Afghanistan to set up a transport corridor with Afghanistan and it also tries to help in reestablishing the armed forces’ defense. but still the initiation not be aware as per the official statement.

Comment below with your opinions regarding American aircraft in Afghanistan.



Source report: CNN and BBC 






Boeing Transfers Rocket Stage to NASA, Paving Way for Human Moon Mission

Boeing Transfers Rocket Stage to NASA, Paving Way for Human Moon Mission

Boeing has achieved a significant milestone by providing NASA with the second core stage of the Space Launch System (SLS) rocket.

This crucial component, crafted at NASA’s Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF), is set to propel the Artemis II crew into lunar orbit, marking humanity’s return to deep space after a 50-year hiatus.

The monumental Boeing-built rocket stage, the largest element of the Artemis II mission, will embark on a journey aboard the Pegasus barge, traveling 900 miles to NASA’s Kennedy Space Center.

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Upon arrival, it will be meticulously integrated with other essential Artemis II components, including the upper stage, solid rocket boosters, and NASA’s Orion spacecraft within the iconic Vehicle Assembly Building. This intricate integration process is a vital step toward the eagerly anticipated Artemis II launch, slated for 2025.


Boeing-built products helped land humankind on the moon in 1969, and we’re proud to continue that legacy through the Artemis generation,” remarked Dave Dutcher, vice president and program manager for Boeing’s SLS program. “Together, with NASA and our industry partners and suppliers, we are building the world’s most capable rocket and paving the way to deep space through America’s rocket factory in New Orleans.”

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The delivery of Core Stage 2 marks a significant achievement in the evolution of the SLS rocket. Towering over 200 feet and powered by four RS-25 engines, this core stage, coupled with two solid-fueled booster rockets, will generate a staggering 8.8 million pounds of thrust. This immense power is crucial to launching Artemis II and future missions into the vast expanse of space.

The SLS rocket stands unparalleled in its capability to transport both crew and substantial cargo to the moon and beyond in a single launch. Its extraordinary capacity will facilitate the delivery of human-rated spacecraft, habitats, and scientific missions to destinations including the moon and Mars, ushering in a new era of space exploration.

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