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These countries are going to operate the Embraer C390 aircraft.

These countries are going to operate the Embraer C390 aircraft.

The Embraer C-390 Millennium, crafted by the renowned Brazilian aerospace manufacturer Embraer, stands as a medium-size, twin-engine, jet-powered military transport aircraft.

Historically acclaimed for its expertise in manufacturing business and private jet segment aircraft, Embraer shifted its focus after 2014 to develop defense-oriented aircraft, exemplified by the C390. By 2019, the aircraft had demonstrated its capabilities, making a significant entry into the defense industry. Since then, it has garnered increasing attention from a diverse global clientele.

A specialized aircraft has been meticulously crafted to transport military personnel and equipment, with ample room for cargo and the potential accommodation of troops alongside the cargo compartment.

The inaugural production model of this aircraft was delivered to the Brazilian Air Force on September 4, 2019.


Distinguished by its superior capabilities, the C-390 surpasses other military transport aircraft in its class, boasting a remarkable payload capacity of 26 tons, coupled with enhanced speed and extended range.

This versatile platform is adept at executing a diverse array of missions, including cargo and troop transport, aeromedical evacuation, search and rescue operations, firefighting, and humanitarian missions. Notably, it excels in operating from temporary or unpaved runways, encompassing surfaces like compacted earth, soil, and gravel.

In its air-to-air refueling (AAR) configuration, denoted as the KC-390, this aircraft has successfully demonstrated its prowess in operations with the Brazilian Air Force.

It has received clearance for refueling various fighter aircraft and possesses the unique capability to refuel other KC-390s through its underwing pods, setting it apart in its class.


Five countries have confirmed their orders for the C390.

As of the current information available, the c 390 embraer is already in operation with Brazil and Portugal. Additionally, Austria, Hungary, and South Korea are slated to become future operators of the aircraft.

Brazil currently has 19 C-390s ordered, with 6 already delivered. The aircraft is utilized by the 1st Troop Transportation Group Zeus and the 1st Squadron of the 1st Transportation Group Gordo.

Portugal has ordered 5 C-390s in 2019 to replace its C-130. The first was delivered in October 2022 at Beja Airbase and entered service in October 2023.

Future operators include Austria, which has ordered 4 Embraer c390 Millenniums in 2023 to replace its aging C-130K, with deliveries starting in 2026. Hungary ordered 2 C-390s in 2020, and South Korea’s Republic of Korea Air Force has ordered 3, set to be introduced by 2026.


Portugal acquired five c 390 millennium, operational since October 2023. Hungary ordered two with an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) kit. The Netherlands chose C-390s as a successor to its C-130H Hercules, expecting five aircraft from 2026. Austria plans to acquire four units, and South Korea decided on three KC-390s by 2026 due to favorable contract terms.

Potential Customers for C 390 in Other Countries

The Embraer c 390 millennium, positioned as a jet-powered alternative to the Lockheed C-130, has garnered interest from several countries:

In May 2023, the commander of the Brazilian Air Force identified potential buyers including Austria, the Czech Republic, Egypt, India, Rwanda, South Africa, South Korea, and Sweden for the KC-390.

How much does Embraer C-390 unit cost?

It appears that, according to recent details, the selected Embraer C-390 in the Austria deal is expected to have a unit cost ranging from €130 million to €150 million. This information provides insight into the estimated cost of each unit as part of Austria’s procurement of the C-390.


What is the range of the KC-390?

The KC-390 has a range of 5,020 km with a 14,000 kg payload, 2,720 km with a 23,000 kg payload, and 2,000 km with a 26,000 kg payload. In contrast, the C130J has a range of 3,300 km nmi at max normal payload (34,000 lb). The KC-390 outperforms the C130J in range across various payload capacities.

The aircraft c-390 vs c-130 has a slightly higher range and carries a lesser payload. Even if it is compared with the c390 vs a400m. The aircraft like C130j and a400 aircraft propeller propeller-operated and varied capabilities and operating conditions as compared with C390 aircraft.

C390 Armaount and Avioncs

The aircraft is equipped with three hardpoints capable of carrying POD Optical/IR Rafael Litening II/IFR Cobham 900E. Its avionics system includes the Rockwell Collins Pro Line Fusion. For self-defense, the aircraft features RWR/chaff & flare, as well as DIRCM (Directional Infrared Countermeasures).


Other notable systems and equipment comprise an in-flight refueling system, a dual HUD system, cabin lighting compatible with night vision, a CCDP (Continuously Computed Drop Point) for automated and accurate drop point calculations, a CDS (Container Delivery System), LVAD (Low-Velocity Airdrop Delivery), and an EEPGS (Emergency Electric Power Generator System) utilizing RAT (Ram Air Turbine) technology.

C390: Meeting Defense Needs with Medium and Long-Range Capabilities

In reality, the propulsion of this aircraft is driven by a jet engine, boasting a medium capacity range. Some nations are actively seeking aircraft with medium and long-range capabilities for transporting troops and equipment to distant locations, making the C390 particularly well-suited for such requirements. Each aircraft possesses unique features, catering to the specific needs of the defense industry.

Given that the C390 is equipped in compliance with NATO specifications, it is garnering increased interest from European countries. Feel free to share your thoughts about this aircraft in the comment section below.



Boeing Transfers Rocket Stage to NASA, Paving Way for Human Moon Mission

Boeing Transfers Rocket Stage to NASA, Paving Way for Human Moon Mission

Boeing has achieved a significant milestone by providing NASA with the second core stage of the Space Launch System (SLS) rocket.

This crucial component, crafted at NASA’s Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF), is set to propel the Artemis II crew into lunar orbit, marking humanity’s return to deep space after a 50-year hiatus.

The monumental Boeing-built rocket stage, the largest element of the Artemis II mission, will embark on a journey aboard the Pegasus barge, traveling 900 miles to NASA’s Kennedy Space Center.

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Upon arrival, it will be meticulously integrated with other essential Artemis II components, including the upper stage, solid rocket boosters, and NASA’s Orion spacecraft within the iconic Vehicle Assembly Building. This intricate integration process is a vital step toward the eagerly anticipated Artemis II launch, slated for 2025.


Boeing-built products helped land humankind on the moon in 1969, and we’re proud to continue that legacy through the Artemis generation,” remarked Dave Dutcher, vice president and program manager for Boeing’s SLS program. “Together, with NASA and our industry partners and suppliers, we are building the world’s most capable rocket and paving the way to deep space through America’s rocket factory in New Orleans.”

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The delivery of Core Stage 2 marks a significant achievement in the evolution of the SLS rocket. Towering over 200 feet and powered by four RS-25 engines, this core stage, coupled with two solid-fueled booster rockets, will generate a staggering 8.8 million pounds of thrust. This immense power is crucial to launching Artemis II and future missions into the vast expanse of space.

The SLS rocket stands unparalleled in its capability to transport both crew and substantial cargo to the moon and beyond in a single launch. Its extraordinary capacity will facilitate the delivery of human-rated spacecraft, habitats, and scientific missions to destinations including the moon and Mars, ushering in a new era of space exploration.

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