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How will be the Tejas Mark 2 compared to the F-16 block 50/52?

Comparison of Between Tejas Mark 2 and F-16 block 50/52

Welcome back to Jetline Marvel. In this article, we will compare the Indian-built Tejas Mark 2 fighter jet to the American-built F16 fighter jet.

The F16 is a historic fighter jet that has been in service for 43 years and has set many benchmarks. The official name of the F-16 is “Fighting Falcon,” but its pilots and crews commonly refer to it as “Viper.” It is controlled by a fly-by-wire system, and it is the first fighter jet to have a frameless bubble canopy, providing pilots with a 40-degree look-down angle over the sides.

This is a battle-tested fighter jet. Interoperable with the coalition and allied forces. It has over 13 million sorties and is still growing. Estimated.

Let us understand both aircraft specifications.


-Tejas was built in 2015, whereas the F16 was built in 1978.

-Both operate single-crew aircraft.

-According to the most recent updates, Tejas has built nearly 33 aircraft, but the F16 C has around 4,606 units. It is exported to many countries under US agreements.

-Tejas is 43.3 feet long, while the F16 is 49.2 feet long.


-It has a width of 26.2 feet, while the F16 has a width of 32.8 feet.

-The Tejas stands 14.4 feet tall, while the F16 stands 15.7 feet tall.

-The Tejas has a fuel capacity of 3,400kg, while the F16 has a capacity of 3,200kg.

-The Tejas Mark 2 has an empty weight of around 7,850 kg, while the F16 has an empty weight of 8,600 kg.


-The maximum take-off weight of the Tejas is 17,500 kg, while the F16 has a maximum take-off weight of 19,200 kg, which is nearly 2000 kg more.

-Both fighter jets have a G limit of plus 9.

-Tejas mark2 has a single General Electric F414-INS6 after burning turbofan with FADEC and 98 kN of power.

-The F16 is powered by a single General Electric F110 afterburning turbofan engine that produces 127.2 kN of thrust with the afterburner.


-The F16 aircraft has a top speed of 1,317 mph, or around 2,120 kph.

-Tejas Mark 2 has a top speed of up to 2,385 km/h and a top speed of 1.8 Mach. which is greater than the f16

-The F16 has a range of 4,220 kilometers and a ceiling of 50,000 feet.

-Tejas Mark 2 has a range of 2,500 kilometers and can reach a height of 56,758 feet.


US Built F16

The General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon is a single-engine multirole fighter aircraft designed for the United States Air Force. It began as a day fighter with air superiority and evolved into a successful all-weather multirole aircraft. Since production began in 1976, over 4,600 aircraft have been built.

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The seat-back angle was increased from 13 degrees to 30 degrees, increasing pilot comfort and tolerance to gravity forces. Because of the F-16’s “fly-by-wire” system, the pilot has excellent flight control.

Instead of cables and linkage controls, electrical wires relay commands. A side stick controller is used instead of the traditional center-mounted stick for easy and accurate control of the aircraft during high G-force combat maneuvers.


F16 can carry AAMs, air-to-ground missiles, rockets, or bombs; electronic countermeasures, navigation, targeting, or weapons pods; and fuel tanks on nine hardpoints – six under the wings, two on the wingtips, and one under the fuselage – can be carried by aircraft. Sensor or radar pods can also be installed in two other locations under the fuselage.

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-The nose section of the F16 is armed with a 20 mm single 6 barrel rotary M61A1 cannon.

-It has 11 harpoints, with 2 wing tip launch rails, 6 under wing and 3 under fuselage pylon stations, and a storage capacity of up to 7,700 kg.


-It has four rocket pods that can carry Hydra 70mm, CRV 7, and Zuni 127mm rockets.

-It has the ability to transport air to air Missiles such as the 6 AIM 9 Sidewinder, AMRAAM, IRIS, Python 4 and Python 5.

-Maverick, HARM, and Joint air-to-surface missiles are examples of air-to-surface missiles. Air-to-surface standoff missile, as well as a joint standoff weapon

-It is armed with anti-ship missiles AGM 84 and 119 penguins.


-It is capable of carrying a wide range of bombs, including combined effects munitions, Gator mines, sensor fuzed weapons, general purpose bombs, GP bombs, small diameter bombs, GBU, 10, 12, 24, 27, pave way 2,3 bombs.

-It can also carry Joint attack munition and wind-corrected munitions dispensers, as well as B61 and B83 nuclear bombs.

-It is armed with eight CBU 87 combined effects munition, a Gator mine, and sensor-fueled weapons.

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Tejas Mk2

The HAL Tejas Mark 2, also known as the Medium Weight Fighter, is a single-engine, canard delta wing, multirole combat aircraft designed and developed in India by ADA and HAL. It is an improved version of the HAL Tejas, with a longer airframe, close-coupled canards, new sensors, and a more powerful engine.

It is being designed and developed to replace the IAF’s SEPECAT Jaguar, Dassault Mirage 2000, and Mikoyan MiG-29 strike fighters. The first flight of the Tejas Mark 2 is scheduled for 2023, with series production beginning in 2026.

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The Tejas Mk-2 will be guided by the ‘Made in India’ Uttam AESA radar. This indigenous radar is thought to be sophisticated.


– Tejas Mark 2 has a single 30 mm cannon gun at the front nose and 13 hard points capable of carrying up to 6.5 tonnes of armament beneath the wings.

-It has air-to-air missiles such as the ASRAAM, Meteor, and ASTRA.

-Air-to-surface missiles such as the indigenously built Brhamos, Storm Shadow, and Crystal Maze will be developed further. and Rudram anti-radiation missiles 1, 2, 3

-It can carry precision-guided munition such as Spice, HSLD, Glide, and SAAW bombs developed by the DRDO.


-It has an indigenously developed laser-guided bomb, similar to Sudarshan. as well as cluster munition CATS ALFA, loitering munition, unguided bomb

-Tejas MK-2 is expected to have a ferry range of 3500 km, which is the maximum range an aircraft can carry with its internal fuel tanks and three drop tanks. Otherwise, the Tejas MK-2’s minimum predicted combat range is 1500 km, which is quite impressive.

-The aircraft would be designed to be network-centric. The cockpit would be so advanced that it would be “optionally manned,” which means that if the pilot faints due to factors like extreme G-Forces, the pilot’s HMD would notify ground control, who would be able to control the aircraft.

The flight cost of the Tejas Mark 1 export variant is approximately US$41 million, which is 309 crore Indian rupees. and the price for mark 2 has yet to be determined.


Lockheed Martin upgraded F-16 Block 70/72: $64 million, which is more than Rs 480 crore.



Boeing Transfers Rocket Stage to NASA, Paving Way for Human Moon Mission

Boeing Transfers Rocket Stage to NASA, Paving Way for Human Moon Mission

Boeing has achieved a significant milestone by providing NASA with the second core stage of the Space Launch System (SLS) rocket.

This crucial component, crafted at NASA’s Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF), is set to propel the Artemis II crew into lunar orbit, marking humanity’s return to deep space after a 50-year hiatus.

The monumental Boeing-built rocket stage, the largest element of the Artemis II mission, will embark on a journey aboard the Pegasus barge, traveling 900 miles to NASA’s Kennedy Space Center.

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Upon arrival, it will be meticulously integrated with other essential Artemis II components, including the upper stage, solid rocket boosters, and NASA’s Orion spacecraft within the iconic Vehicle Assembly Building. This intricate integration process is a vital step toward the eagerly anticipated Artemis II launch, slated for 2025.


Boeing-built products helped land humankind on the moon in 1969, and we’re proud to continue that legacy through the Artemis generation,” remarked Dave Dutcher, vice president and program manager for Boeing’s SLS program. “Together, with NASA and our industry partners and suppliers, we are building the world’s most capable rocket and paving the way to deep space through America’s rocket factory in New Orleans.”

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The delivery of Core Stage 2 marks a significant achievement in the evolution of the SLS rocket. Towering over 200 feet and powered by four RS-25 engines, this core stage, coupled with two solid-fueled booster rockets, will generate a staggering 8.8 million pounds of thrust. This immense power is crucial to launching Artemis II and future missions into the vast expanse of space.

The SLS rocket stands unparalleled in its capability to transport both crew and substantial cargo to the moon and beyond in a single launch. Its extraordinary capacity will facilitate the delivery of human-rated spacecraft, habitats, and scientific missions to destinations including the moon and Mars, ushering in a new era of space exploration.

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