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Which is better f 35 or Gripen? comparison of US built F35 and SAAB 39E Gripen by Sweden

Which is better f 35 or Gripen? comparison of US built F35 and SAAB 39E Gripen by Sweden

Fighter jets play a crucial role in any conflict by tackling the enemy in the air and preventing them from entering their airspace. When it comes to power aircraft, it isn’t just about how quickly they fly. The aircraft should be able to turn around and attack the adversaries in fractions of seconds, not simply in terms of speed.

Most countries are building fighter jets, but only a handful have built fighters with a high level of attacking capability and the ability to operate at any level of rapid response.

In this article, we will analyze two fighter jets: the Lockheed Martin F35 Lightning 2 from the United States and the Saab Jas 39 E fighter jets from Sweden.

Which is better f 35 or Gripen? comparison of US built F35 and SAAB 39E Gripen by Sweden

Stealth and sophisticated sensor and data fusion make the F-35 the most advanced fighter aircraft in the world, and operators praised its performance on combat deployments for operations in Syria and Iraq. But high operational costs and shortages of parts and trained depot technicians continue to plague the program. Airman 1st Class Duncan Bevan

Which is better f 35 or Gripen? comparison of US built F35 and SAAB 39E Gripen by Sweden

The Saab JAS 39 Gripen is a single-engine light multirole fighter aircraft produced by Saab AB, a Swedish aerospace and defence corporation. The Gripen is equipped with a delta wing and canard configuration, as well as relaxed stability and fly-by-wire flight controls. Later aircraft are completely compatible with NATO. More than 271 Gripens of all versions, A–F, have been constructed as of 2020.


The Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II is a single-seat, single-engine stealth multirole combat aircraft designed to perform air superiority and strike missions in all weather conditions. It can also conduct electronic warfare and offer intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance. Lockheed Martin is the primary F-35 contractor, with Northrop Grumman and BAE Systems as key partners. The plane comes in three different versions: the F-35A with conventional takeoff and landing, F-35B with short takeoff and vertical landing, and F-35C with carrier-based takeoff and landing.

Which is better f 35 or Gripen? comparison of US built F35 and SAAB 39E Gripen by Sweden

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Let’s look at its specifications.

  • The F35 was released in 2016, while the Saab 39E was released in 1997. Both can handle a single crew.
  • When it comes to the number of units constructed to date, the F35 ranks top. Around 785 Lockheed Martins F35 were built. The F35 is used by the US Navy and Air Force. Australia, Japan, the United Kingdom, and Israel are among the 14 nations served by this aircraft.
  • Saab, on the other hand, has constructed roughly 247 39 E aircraft to date. The majority of the aircraft are used in Sweden and are also sold to a number of countries, with Brazil being one of the most recent customers.
  • The F35 is longer than the Gripen 39 E, with a length of 50.4 feet compared to 46.3 feet for the Gripen.
  • The F35 is 34.9 feet wide, whereas the Gripen is 28.3 feet wide, and the F35 is 17.3 feet tall while the Gripen is 14.8 feet tall.
  • The F35’s empty weight is 13,155 kg, while the Gripen’s is 8000 kg.
  • The F35 has a maximum weight capacity of 31.800 kg, whereas the Gripen has a capacity of 16,000 kg.
  • The single Pratt & Whitney F135 afterburning turbofan engine produces 125 kilon newton’s of thrust dry and 191 kilo newton’s of thrust with reheat.
  • The Gripen 39 E, on the other hand, is powered by a single Volvo RM 12 turbofan engine. The thrust is 54 kilo newton’s, With afterburner, 80.5 kilo newton’s.
  • The Gripen E has a top speed of 2,460 km/h, which is higher than the F35’s 1.930 km/h.
  • The F35 has a 2,220 km ferry range, but the Griepn E has a 3,200 km range, which is 1,000 km longer than the F35.
  • The ceiling height of both fighter jets is the same, at 50,000 feet.

Which is better f 35 or Gripen? comparison of US built F35 and SAAB 39E Gripen by Sweden

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Let’s talk about weapons. F35

  • A single 25 mm internal four barreled automatic cannon armament can be carried by the F35. One of the F35’s distinguishing features is that it can store weaponry in the interior bay and has six optional external pylons for AIM 9x sidewinder support.
  • The F35 may carry a variety of weapons, including air-to-air missiles such as the AIM 9X, AMRAAM, and ASRAAM. JDAM bombs, MK84, 83, GBU Pave way guided bomb
  • JDAM bombs CBU 38, cluster bombs CBU 99, JSOW, Brimstone, Storm Shadow, AGM 158, and MXU laser guided training bomb External 426 gallon MK76.
  • The F 35 has some incredible avionics in the cockpit.
  • It has an AESA radar, a DAS missile warning system, and other features.
  • Electronic warfare system Barracuda
  • Its communication system is MADL.
  • Instrument landing system, TACAN system, Instrument carrier landing system, JPALS joint precision approach and landing system, IFF interrogator transponder, HAVE Qucik, Radar altimeter.
  • F35’s most critical feature. It can take off vertically and land in space, making it the world’s most unique combat plane. that can be employed on the ground as well as in aircraft-borne activities.

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Gripen E features a diverse bomb list, including as

  • It can transport a single 27mm Mauser cannon with 120 rounds.
  • It has ten hardpoints with a weapon payload capacity of 7,200 kg.
  • It has the ability to carry IRIS, AIM 9 sidewinder, or Darter.
  • The most crucial feature of the Gripen is the MBDA meteor missile, which is now unavailable in the F35 fighter jet but may be available shortly.
  • It can carry two KEPD 350 anti-ship missiles and six Rbs anti-ship missiles.
  • It can carry 12 GBU pave way laser guided bombs, 8 Mark82 bombs, 16 GBU 39 SDB bombs, and 12 Alternative small diameter glide bombs.
    It has a lighting 3 targeting pod, an electronic countermeasures pod, and a single digital joint reconnaissance pod.
  • The gripen e series has AESA radar, Skyward IRST system, targo helmet mounted display, and improved night vision system as its most notable avionics. Display on a single screen.

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The F35 is one of the most unique fighter aircraft in the world, and its development continues to focus on precision marking. In the battleground, he is extremely agile and responsive. In the United States and other countries, a package of weapons is being developed. As a result, this aircraft will be at the top of the world’s fighter jet list.

F-35s are deployed from 21 different bases across the world. The F-35 fleet has trained over 1,460 pilots and 11,025 maintainers. Only the United States and a few other countries can afford the training and maintenance of this aircraft. When it comes to the pricing of this aircraft, The price of Lockheed Martin has been decreased. bulk planes orders could bring down the cost. The F-35B is the most expensive model in its group, according to the most recent price tag is $110 million. The total cost of the 12 F 35 A planes was around $82 million. The cost is for the year 2022.


When compared to previous Gripen models, the Gripen E boasts a vastly enhanced avionics system. The Gripen E will meet the rigorous operational requirements of air forces in the twenty-first century. The Gripen was designed to have a long service life of roughly 50 years with minimal maintenance requirements. Major systems like the RM12 engine and PS-05/A radar are modular to save operational costs and improve dependability. The Gripen was designed to be adaptable, allowing for the addition of new sensors, processors, and weaponry as technology advanced.

According to various Aerospace sources, the Gripen E’s current price starts at $85 million and can rise to $120 million depending on the armament package. The pricing is set in accordance with that, and the company maintains a good policy on export variations and customer requirements.



Boeing Transfers Rocket Stage to NASA, Paving Way for Human Moon Mission

Boeing Transfers Rocket Stage to NASA, Paving Way for Human Moon Mission

Boeing has achieved a significant milestone by providing NASA with the second core stage of the Space Launch System (SLS) rocket.

This crucial component, crafted at NASA’s Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF), is set to propel the Artemis II crew into lunar orbit, marking humanity’s return to deep space after a 50-year hiatus.

The monumental Boeing-built rocket stage, the largest element of the Artemis II mission, will embark on a journey aboard the Pegasus barge, traveling 900 miles to NASA’s Kennedy Space Center.

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Upon arrival, it will be meticulously integrated with other essential Artemis II components, including the upper stage, solid rocket boosters, and NASA’s Orion spacecraft within the iconic Vehicle Assembly Building. This intricate integration process is a vital step toward the eagerly anticipated Artemis II launch, slated for 2025.


Boeing-built products helped land humankind on the moon in 1969, and we’re proud to continue that legacy through the Artemis generation,” remarked Dave Dutcher, vice president and program manager for Boeing’s SLS program. “Together, with NASA and our industry partners and suppliers, we are building the world’s most capable rocket and paving the way to deep space through America’s rocket factory in New Orleans.”

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The delivery of Core Stage 2 marks a significant achievement in the evolution of the SLS rocket. Towering over 200 feet and powered by four RS-25 engines, this core stage, coupled with two solid-fueled booster rockets, will generate a staggering 8.8 million pounds of thrust. This immense power is crucial to launching Artemis II and future missions into the vast expanse of space.

The SLS rocket stands unparalleled in its capability to transport both crew and substantial cargo to the moon and beyond in a single launch. Its extraordinary capacity will facilitate the delivery of human-rated spacecraft, habitats, and scientific missions to destinations including the moon and Mars, ushering in a new era of space exploration.

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