The Hajj pilgrimage is a significant religious journey undertaken by millions of Muslims around the world. Each year, Muslims from India eagerly anticipate the opportunity to...
Today, Eve Air Mobility and United Airlines revealed their plans to start electric commuter flights all across the Bay Area, bringing Urban Air Mobility to San...
The Federal Aviation Administration proposed a complete rule for training and certifying pilots, which was a significant step towards safely enabling enhanced air mobility. FAA proposes...
American Airlines has released its winter 2023 itinerary for the Caribbean and Latin America, giving travelers wishing to escape the cold this winter more options. American...
Jettwings Airways, the newest airline in the aviation industry, stated on Wednesday that it has been granted a no objection certificate (NOC) to provide scheduled commuter air...
The frequency of flights between Abu Dhabi and Rome is being increased by Etihad Airways, the national carrier of the United Arab Emirates, from seven to...
More than 100 Pratt & Whitney engine-powered Airbus A320neo, A321neo, A220, and Embraer E2 aircraft are now grounded globally owing to engine issues. The planes are...
Qantas will restart flights to New York today, with services from Sydney departing for the first time in more than three years. The introduction of QF3...
Emirates said that beginning on October 29, passengers flying to and from Mumbai and Bengaluru will have access to its renowned Premium Economy service. These two...
Every vehicle needs to be serviced, as we all know. Periodic maintenance is similarly carried out on aircraft, and this is in compliance with aircraft standards....