Ryanair passengers board flight – only to discover their seats don’t exist

Ryanair passengers board flight – only to discover their seats don’t exist

A Ryanair passenger recently discovered that the seat he had reserved and paid for didn't exist when he boarded a flight from London Stansted to Dublin.

On October 21, Haverhill, Suffolk resident Gerry Harrington was scheduled to fly to Dublin to compete in a Subbuteo tournament.

However, he and about eight other passengers were left "stuck at the back of the plane" when they realised there was no row 35.

A few other people had a similar experience, and we were all left standing at the back of the aircraft without any seats

The airline offered them £250, overnight accommodations, and the option of flying the next day; Mr. Harrington turned down the flight offer because he would have missed the competition.

A Ryanair spokesperson stated: "A very small number of passengers on this flight from London Stansted to Dublin (21 Oct) were moved to alternative flights

the following day due to an aircraft change." Passengers who were impacted received overnight accommodations as well as compensation.

Ryanair sincerely apologises for any inconvenience caused to these passengers.