C919 plane from China is given the go-ahead for mass production.

C919 plane from China is given the go-ahead for mass production.

It certified that COMAC is ready to begin mass producing

It certified that COMAC is ready to begin mass producing

It is the most anticipated airplane for China

It is the most anticipated airplane for China

For the order, it has already received more than 900 airplanes.

For the order, it has already received more than 900 airplanes.

In 2017, the aircraft made a successful maiden flight.

In 2017, the aircraft made a successful maiden flight.

C919's design complies with both environmental and airworthiness regulations.

C919's design complies with both environmental and airworthiness regulations.

first commercial order for the C919 was made in March 2021

first commercial order for the C919 was made in March 2021

C919 aircraft is anticipated to be delivered to CEA in December,

C919 aircraft is anticipated to be delivered to CEA in December,

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