Airbus and BMW Group launch Quantum Mobility Quest

Airbus and BMW Group launch Quantum Mobility Quest

Both Group have joined forces to initiate a groundbreaking

Both Group have joined forces to initiate a groundbreaking

global Quantum Computing Challenge named "The Quantum Mobility Quest.

global Quantum Computing Challenge named "The Quantum Mobility Quest.

This unprecedented collaboration aims to address longstanding

This unprecedented collaboration aims to address longstanding

challenges in aviation and automotive industries

challenges in aviation and automotive industries

this challenge represents the inaugural endeavor of its kind

this challenge represents the inaugural endeavor of its kind

to leverage quantum technologies for tangible industrial applications

to leverage quantum technologies for tangible industrial applications

The objective is to unlock possibilities that can lead to the development

The objective is to unlock possibilities that can lead to the development

submitted proposals in collaboration with experts from Airbus,BMW Group

submitted proposals in collaboration with experts from Airbus,BMW Group

winning team in each of the five challenges will receive a €30,000 prize.

winning team in each of the five challenges will receive a €30,000 prize.

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