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India Launches Its Medium-Lift Class Helicopter Program, chooses New Engine

India Launches Its Medium-Lift Class Helicopter Program, chooses New Engine

India’s longstanding need for a Medium Helicopter may soon become a reality as the country has fully ramped up its engine development efforts. This new helicopter is set to replace the Russian-built models currently in service and will play a crucial role across various scenarios for the Indian Armed Forces.

Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) and SAFHAL Helicopter Engines Pvt. Ltd. (SAFHAL) have launched a groundbreaking partnership to develop a state-of-the-art high-power engine named Aravalli.

This new engine will power the upcoming 13-ton Medium Lift Helicopter (IMRH) and the Deck-Based Multi-Role Helicopter (DBMRH), both of which are being designed and developed by HAL.


Named after the majestic Aravalli mountain range in India, the Aravalli engine symbolizes the country’s drive for self-reliance, or Aatmanirbharta, in critical engine technologies. This cutting-edge engine will be instrumental for the IMRH, a versatile 13-ton multi-role helicopter designed to meet the needs of the Indian armed forces, and the DBMRH, a 12.5-ton naval variant tailored for the Indian Navy.

The IMRH is poised to become a cornerstone of the Indian armed forces over the next decade. With its first flight expected in 3 to 4 years, the IMRH is anticipated to begin induction by 2030, with plans to integrate between 300 to 400 units, and potentially more in the future.


The IMRH is envisioned as a highly versatile multi-role helicopter that will enhance the operational capabilities of the Indian military. The DBMRH, designed for naval operations, will also face the challenges of high-altitude environments in regions such as Ladakh, Sikkim, and Arunachal Pradesh—areas of strategic importance due to their proximity to the China border.

In addition to its military applications, the Aravalli engine is projected to enter the civil market, serving roles in offshore operations, utility services, and VVIP transport. The long-term vision includes Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO) activities to further extend the engine’s utility and support the aviation industry.


This collaboration between HAL and SAFHAL builds on their successful history of working together on the Shakti engine, which powers several HAL helicopters, including the Advanced Light Helicopter Dhruv, the Light Combat Helicopter Prachand, and the Light Utility Helicopter. The proven success of this partnership lays a strong foundation for the development of the Aravalli engine, setting the stage for a new era in India’s helicopter capabilities.

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What type of missiles does Tejas mark 2 carry

What type of missiles does Tejas mark 2 carry

The Tejas Mark 2, an advanced multirole combat aircraft developed by HAL (Hindustan Aeronautics Limited), represents a significant leap forward in India’s indigenous fighter jet capabilities.

As the successor to the original Tejas Mark 1, the Mark 2 version is designed to enhance operational versatility and effectiveness. A key component of its advanced design is its comprehensive array of weaponry, particularly its missile systems, which are crucial for its role in both air superiority and ground attack missions.


The Tejas Mark 2 is equipped with a diverse range of missiles that cater to various combat scenarios:

For air-to-air combat, the Tejas Mark 2 is expected to carry a selection of advanced missiles. These include the MICA and Meteor missiles, which are designed for long-range engagements and superior target interception.


The ASRAAM will provide close-range protection, while the Astra, still in the planning stages, will enhance the aircraft’s versatility in aerial dogfights. Additionally, the NG-CCM is planned to be integrated, adding another layer of capability to the fighter’s air superiority profile.

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In terms of air-to-surface missiles, the lca tejas mk2 will be equipped with powerful options such as the BrahMos-NG and Nirbhay. The BrahMos-NG is a next-generation variant of the BrahMos supersonic cruise missile, designed for precision strikes against high-value targets.

The Nirbhay, also planned for integration, is a long-range subsonic cruise missile. Additionally, the aircraft will be capable of carrying the Storm Shadow, a long-range precision-guided munition, and the Crystal Maze, expanding its strike potential.


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For anti-radiation missions, the tejas mk2 will be armed with the Rudram series of missiles (Rudram 1, 2, and 3). These missiles are designed to target and neutralize enemy radar and missile systems, enhancing the aircraft’s effectiveness in electronic warfare scenarios.


The Tejas Mark 2’s bomb payload includes a range of precision-guided and unguided munitions. It can deploy Spice series bombs, which are known for their accuracy and effectiveness. The aircraft will also carry the HSLD (High-Speed Low Drag) series of bombs in various weights, along with DRDO Glide Bombs and DRDO SAAW (Smart Anti-Airfield Weapon).

For laser-guided strikes, the Sudarshan bomb will be employed, offering precise targeting capabilities. The Tejas Mark 2 will also have the capability to carry cluster munitions and loitering munitions like the CATS ALFA, which provides extended operational flexibility.

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