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China Initiates Construction of Asia’s Biggest Aircraft Hangar, Costing $207 Million

China Initiates Construction of Asia's Biggest Aircraft Hangar, Costing $207 Million
Image: China Eastern Airlines

China Eastern Airlines has embarked on a monumental endeavor with the launch of a project to build the largest aircraft hangar in Asia. As one of the top three major airlines in China, China Eastern Airlines is setting a new standard with this ambitious construction project.

Scheduled to take place between mid-2024 and the first half of 2026, the construction will be a vital component of China Eastern’s international aviation maintenance service platform project. With an estimated cost of around 1.5 billion yuan (approximately $207 million), this venture signifies a significant investment in the aviation infrastructure sector.


Once completed, the hangar’s gross floor area will surpass 110,000 square meters, boasting impressive dimensions with a 316-meter span and a 146-meter depth. This expansive facility will have the capacity to accommodate nine wide-body aircraft simultaneously for maintenance purposes, further enhancing China Eastern’s operational capabilities.

In addition to the hangars, the project will include facilities for repair, modification, and other essential infrastructures to support aircraft maintenance operations effectively.


Upon its completion, the hangar is expected to provide an impressive 1.8 million hours of aircraft maintenance services annually, reflecting China Eastern’s commitment to maintaining and servicing its fleet with the highest standards of quality and efficiency.

Furthermore, the construction of this project marks the commencement of the first of seven joint initiatives between China Eastern and Lin-gang Special Area, aiming to establish a new global aviation hub. This strategic collaboration underscores China Eastern’s vision to contribute to the development of a thriving aviation industry and strengthen its position in the global market.



Air India to Implement Fatigue Report Verification for Flight Crew

Air India to Implement Fatigue Report Verification for Flight Crew

Air India is set to implement a new internal policy starting October 1, aimed at verifying the authenticity of fatigue reports submitted by its flight crew. Reports deemed “unsubstantiated” will be reclassified as “sick leave.”

This initiative is part of a broader set of measures designed to boost operational efficiencies in preparation for Air India‘s merger with Vistara. While officials promote the policy as a step towards improved operational integrity, it has sparked significant concern among pilots.


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Many feel that this approach could deter them from reporting genuine fatigue, which is crucial for maintaining flight safety. One pilot expressed, “This policy needs to be reconsidered. Rather than questioning whether a pilot is experiencing ‘fatigue’ or is ‘sick,’ the airline should extend trust to its pilots in all areas.”


Another echoed these sentiments, stating, “We may hesitate to report ‘fatigue’ if it risks being classified as ‘sick leave.’” The Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) defines fatigue reports as formal documents filed by flight crew members to indicate excessive tiredness that could impair their performance.

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In response to concerns, air india refurbishment clarified that the new Fatigue Protocol is in line with global best practices and is intended as a non-punitive measure. To safeguard crew well-being, the airline plans to utilize scientific tools such as Jeppesen and the Boeing Alertness Model (BAM).

Under the new policy, if a crew member reports fatigue within 12 hours of their scheduled duty, the report will be recorded as “Fatigue,” triggering immediate escalation to scheduling management and flight safety departments. This move aims to prioritize crew welfare while addressing operational demands.


Additionally, recent regulations have increased weekly rest periods for flight crews from 36 to 48 hours, a change pilots have welcomed, though airlines have expressed concerns about the feasibility of meeting these new standards. The DGCA had initially set deadlines for compliance but reversed its decision after airlines raised apprehensions about potential reductions in flight capacity.

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