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Airbus’ lead over Boeing in China is shrinking as Comac prepares to launch its new C919 plane.

COMAC C919 aircraft Receives more than 1,000 jet orders

China’s commercial airline is expected to operate 1,000 new Comac C919 planes by the end of the year, thanks to more than $72 billion in government funding. quoted by architectural digest The airline business is dominated by European jets like the Airbus and American-made Boeing, which compete with China’s aircraft manufacturer Comac for market share. The C919 has been tested for short-haul flights, and the C929 has been tested for long-haul flights. All of this is part of China’s Made in China 2025 policy, which aims to lessen the country’s reliance on foreign technology.

according to the China Marco economy Despite investing heavily in aircraft assembly facilities in China, Airbus’ dominance over rival Boeing may be diminishing, as the state-owned Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (Comac) aims to enter the narrow-body plane market with the C919 jet next year.

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Both Airbus and Boeing produce planes in China for the domestic market, leveraging clever political maneuvering to carve out a share of the country’s enormous and rapidly growing aviation sector. They will, however, eventually have to fight for attention with Comac, a company that has a natural edge in dealing with Chinese airlines.


China has spent tens of billions of dollars in recent years to bring its aviation industry up to international standards, and the C919, a narrow-body medium-haul passenger jet designed to compete with the Boeing 737 and Airbus A320, has high hopes. By the end of the year, it should be certified to fly in China.

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In November 2020, Boeing predicted that Chinese airlines would buy 8,600 new planes for $1.4 trillion and $1.7 trillion in commercial aviation services over the following 20 years. Both Boeing and Airbus have increased their presence in China in order to gain a share of the market.

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On the 3rd march As the world’s first launch customer of the China-made trunk liner C919, China Eastern Airlines officially signed a purchase contract of C919 aircraft with Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, Ltd. (COMAC) in Shanghai on March 1st, 2021. Five C919 aircraft would be introduced in the first batch, and China Eastern Airlines would become the world’s first airline to operate C919 aircraft. This is an important step for China Eastern Airlines in the introduction and commercial operation of the China-made trunk liner as a pioneer after the successful establishment of One Two Three Airlines (OTT Airlines) to operate China-made ARJ21 aircraft and in the first year to implement the 14th Five-Year Plan.



Nepal Plane Crash: 18 Dead as Aircraft Crashes During Takeoff pilot survives

Nepal Plane Crash: 18 Dead as Aircraft Crashes During Takeoff pilot survives

On July 24, 2024, a tragic accident unfolded at Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu when a Saurya Airlines aircraft crashed during takeoff.

The incident occurred around 11:00 AM local time as the flight, bound for Pokhara, was preparing for departure. The aircraft, carrying 19 individuals including the aircrew, crashed shortly after lifting off the runway. According to PTI, “at least 18 people were killed” in the accident.

The casualties included 18 Nepalis and one Yemeni citizen, all of whom were employees of Saurya Airlines, as confirmed by police. The aircraft was en route for technical maintenance at the time of the crash.

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Images released by Nepal police showed thick smoke pouring from the burning wreckage on the runway. Eyewitnesses, as reported by The Kathmandu Post, described how the plane flipped after its wing-tip struck the ground during takeoff.


The impact led to an immediate fire, and the aircraft subsequently plunged into a gorge on the eastern side of the runway. Rescue operations commenced swiftly, with police and firefighters arriving at the scene to control the situation.

The aviation authority confirmed that rescue efforts were initiated immediately, but the crash underscores the persistent dangers associated with air travel in Nepal. The country’s challenging mountainous terrain often contributes to aviation risks.

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The pilot of the aircraft survived the crash and was transported to Kathmandu Medical College Hospital for treatment, as reported by a doctor at the hospital who was not authorized to speak to the media.


In response to the incident, Tribhuvan International Airport, the primary hub for both international and domestic flights in Nepal, was closed as emergency crews worked at the site.

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