Virgin Orbit's response  first B747-based satellite launch

Virgin Orbit's response  first B747-based satellite launch

Last night, a satellite launch from British soil made history

Last night, a satellite launch from British soil made history

becoming first to reach space, although it was unable to achieve its targeted

becoming first to reach space, although it was unable to achieve its targeted

After successfully taking off from runway at Spaceport Cornwall

After successfully taking off from runway at Spaceport Cornwall

Cosmic Girl, customized 747 that serves as LauncherOne system’s

Cosmic Girl, customized 747 that serves as LauncherOne system’s

rocket then ignited its engines, quickly going hypersonic

rocket then ignited its engines, quickly going hypersonic

at some point during the firing of the rocket’s second stage engine

at some point during the firing of the rocket’s second stage engine

the system experienced an anomaly, ending mission prematurely.

the system experienced an anomaly, ending mission prematurely.

mission did not achieve its final orbit, by reaching space

mission did not achieve its final orbit, by reaching space

achieving numerous significant first-time achievements,

achieving numerous significant first-time achievements,

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