This airline will be billed $790 for each customer complaint resolved

This airline will be billed $790 for each customer complaint resolved

In a bold move to streamline passenger complaint resolution, Canada’s transport regulator.

In a bold move to streamline passenger complaint resolution, Canada’s transport regulator.

that would charge airlines $790 CAD (~$583 USD) for each customer complaint it resolves.

that would charge airlines $790 CAD (~$583 USD) for each customer complaint it resolves.

This initiative, announced by the Canadian Transportation Agency.

This initiative, announced by the Canadian Transportation Agency.

aims to alleviate the agency's record-high backlog of air travel complaints.

aims to alleviate the agency's record-high backlog of air travel complaints.

currently sitting at approximately 78,000 cases. On Wednesday, the CTA launched a one-month consultation period.

currently sitting at approximately 78,000 cases. On Wednesday, the CTA launched a one-month consultation period.

to gather feedback on these proposed reforms, which would apply to valid customer.

to gather feedback on these proposed reforms, which would apply to valid customer.

According to the agency, it anticipates resolving over 22,600 complaints.

According to the agency, it anticipates resolving over 22,600 complaints.

Translating to about $17.9 million in fees levied against airlines.

Translating to about $17.9 million in fees levied against airlines.

The government hopes to recoup approximately 60% of the costs.

The government hopes to recoup approximately 60% of the costs.

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