Syria Plans to Purchase Russian MC-21 Aircraft

Syria Plans to Purchase Russian MC-21 Aircraft

Hatem Kabbas, a representative from Syrian Air, has announced that his organization

Hatem Kabbas, a representative from Syrian Air, has announced that his organization

seeking to acquire modern Russian passenger planes, specifically the MC-21 model.

seeking to acquire modern Russian passenger planes, specifically the MC-21 model.

But also involves a collaboration aimed at transferring expertise to Syria.

But also involves a collaboration aimed at transferring expertise to Syria.

developing comprehensive training plans for professionals involved in aviation security,

developing comprehensive training plans for professionals involved in aviation security,

Ensure that Syrian are well-equipped to manage and operate the new aircraft effectively.

Ensure that Syrian are well-equipped to manage and operate the new aircraft effectively.

Both Syria and Russia are working to overcome significant obstacles

Both Syria and Russia are working to overcome significant obstacles

Primary issues include an ongoing blockade and unilateral American sanction

Primary issues include an ongoing blockade and unilateral American sanction

The necessity of acquiring aircraft with exclusively Russian engines.

The necessity of acquiring aircraft with exclusively Russian engines.

Syrian Airlines' efforts to expand air transport agreements between Syria &Russia.

Syrian Airlines' efforts to expand air transport agreements between Syria &Russia.

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