Qantas announces major jobs, training growth plans

Qantas announces major jobs, training growth plans

8,500 new high skill jobs in Australian aviation

8,500 new high skill jobs in Australian aviation

roles  include pilots, engineers, crew &airport staff,

roles  include pilots, engineers, crew &airport staff,

hire more than 30,000 frontline people over next 10 years

hire more than 30,000 frontline people over next 10 years

with orders & purchase rights for 299 &12 widebody aircraft

with orders & purchase rights for 299 &12 widebody aircraft

up to 22 mid-life & wetleased aircraft to arrive in next two years

up to 22 mid-life & wetleased aircraft to arrive in next two years

establish Qantas Group Engineering Academy

establish Qantas Group Engineering Academy

need around 200 new engineering recruits every year

need around 200 new engineering recruits every year

expected to open its doors to the first students in 2025.

expected to open its doors to the first students in 2025.

online registration form for people interested in position

online registration form for people interested in position

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