Orion sent a photo of Earth from its orbit

Orion sent a photo of Earth from its orbit

On its sixth day into the Artemis I mission, Orion successfully completed

On its sixth day into the Artemis I mission, Orion successfully completed

fourth orbital trajectory correction burn using the auxiliary engines at 1:44 a.m.

fourth orbital trajectory correction burn using the auxiliary engines at 1:44 a.m.

first three trajectory correction burns provided an opportunity to fire

first three trajectory correction burns provided an opportunity to fire

Orion with the first using the large orbital maneuvering system engine,

Orion with the first using the large orbital maneuvering system engine,

Orion completed the outbound powered flyby at 6:44 a.m., passing about 81 miles

Orion completed the outbound powered flyby at 6:44 a.m., passing about 81 miles

The spacecraft speed increased from 2,128 mph before the burn

The spacecraft speed increased from 2,128 mph before the burn

mission continues to proceed as we had planned, and the ground systems,

mission continues to proceed as we had planned, and the ground systems,