Peanut butter jars set off airport alarm in New York

Peanut butter jars set off airport alarm in New York

Jars of peanut butter hidden in checked luggage

Jars of peanut butter hidden in checked luggage

at the New York airport set off an alert, leading to his arrest.

at the New York airport set off an alert, leading to his arrest.

TSA agents at JFK airport opened the checked bag

TSA agents at JFK airport opened the checked bag

As it went through an X-ray, it triggered an alarm,

As it went through an X-ray, it triggered an alarm,

Two jars of JIF creamy peanut butter were taken out of suitcase.

Two jars of JIF creamy peanut butter were taken out of suitcase.

Each included pieces of a dismantled semi-automatic handgun.

Each included pieces of a dismantled semi-automatic handgun.

with a magazine containing.22 calibre bullets

with a magazine containing.22 calibre bullets

which were wrapped in plastic and stuffed into the peanut butter

which were wrapped in plastic and stuffed into the peanut butter

When they found the weapon, officials contacted police

When they found the weapon, officials contacted police

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