British Airways Hikes Price of  In-Flight Food and Beverage in  Mid-Flight

British Airways Hikes Price of  In-Flight Food and Beverage in  Mid-Flight

Passengers aboard a British Airways flight from Athens to Heathrow found themselves,

Passengers aboard a British Airways flight from Athens to Heathrow found themselves,

in a surprising situation mid-air when they were informed.

in a surprising situation mid-air when they were informed.

an unexpected increase in the prices of onboard food and drinks.

an unexpected increase in the prices of onboard food and drinks.

The announcement, delivered by a steward over the PA system,

The announcement, delivered by a steward over the PA system,

left travelers taken aback as they were told to disregard the menu prices listed.

left travelers taken aback as they were told to disregard the menu prices listed.

which had reportedly been hiked up by approximately 10% earlier that day

which had reportedly been hiked up by approximately 10% earlier that day

card payment readers on board had already been adjusted.

card payment readers on board had already been adjusted.

price increase applied to a variety of items including sandwiches, breakfast bacon rolls,

price increase applied to a variety of items including sandwiches, breakfast bacon rolls,

one traveler expressing their dismay, questioning the lack of prior warning.

one traveler expressing their dismay, questioning the lack of prior warning.

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