Airlines could soon allow 5G phone calls during flights

Airlines could soon allow 5G phone calls during flights

Airlines will be able to provide the latest 5G technology on their planes

Airlines will be able to provide the latest 5G technology on their planes

implementing decision on spectrum for mobile communications on-board aircrafts,

implementing decision on spectrum for mobile communications on-board aircrafts,

allocating particular frequencies for in-flight 5G technology.

allocating particular frequencies for in-flight 5G technology.

provision of data, voice, and message services by airlines to travellers flying within the EU.

provision of data, voice, and message services by airlines to travellers flying within the EU.

widespread deployment of 5G services has been made possible by this update.

widespread deployment of 5G services has been made possible by this update.

service is offered inside the cabin of a prepared aircraft using specialised network

service is offered inside the cabin of a prepared aircraft using specialised network

hardware, the so-called ''pico-cell," to link the users and route calls, texts, and data,

hardware, the so-called ''pico-cell," to link the users and route calls, texts, and data,